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Meet TED and NANCY

Lifelong Practitioners of Health, Wellness and Adventure


Ted Carbonaro grew up on the outskirts of Boston, MA. ​ Growing up in the Hippie era, Ted had a curiosity that led him down a path that would be the influence for the next four decades.  In 1984, Ted entered a treatment center for alcohol and drugs. He was at the bottom and the only thing for him to do was to crawl upward. Ted has celebrated over 14,592 days of sobriety and is committed to a life of learning: One Day at a Time. He practices the 12 Steps of Recovery and works with many others struggling to find sobriety. He is a lifelong learner of all things spiritual, he dearly loves his daughter and 3 grandchildren, and loves adventurous activities like: GoKart racing, down hill skiing/mountain biking and hiking the National Parks. Most of all, he loves sharing all of this with Nancy. 



Nancy hit the road running from the very beginning. Being born in an ambulance was her way of saying she was ready to roll. Throughout her life, she has been the intuitive one that always wants to bring 'sunshine' to others. She found her pathway forward when she left corporate and created her own photography business. It was at this time, she knew she was home. 25+ years later, the artist in Nancy continues to shine for others to see. Whether it's in her  beautiful, sophisticated portraits, or, her third world documentary images, she brings out the Light in everyone she meets. Her easy going and playful way of being, is her natural state. She also has an adventurous spirit that shows up in her travels, passion for riding horses, and figure skating. Most of all, Nancy loves being Ted's co-pilot as they raise down the highways in the Magic Bus!

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